If you cannot, press Windows + S, type “ command prompt”, right-click on the application and select ‘ Run as administrator’.
However, before forcing the update, if you have another account on your computer, try updating through the store there. If your store application is not launching or there a problem when updating, you can try forcing the updates by a command in the command prompt.Also, click ‘ Get Updates’ present at the top-right side of the screen. If there are any pending updates, update them as soon as possible. Make sure they are updated to the latest version. All the applications installed on your computer will be listed here.Once in Store, click on menu icon present at the top-right side of the screen and select ‘ Download and updates’.Press Windows + S, type “ store” in the dialogue box and open the application.It is possible the problem you are facing is already addressed in the latest update. Microsoft periodically releases various bug fixes for different situations. Make sure that your Windows is updated to the latest version before moving on with the solutions. We can try updating the applications using Windows Store before moving on to more technical methods involved. Solution 1: Updating Applications using Store